BLOOOM Award 2016 – Top 70

 BLOOOM Award by WARSTEINER 2016 – Top 70

From more than 2,000 applications from 84 countries, my work “TriloSphereLights” for the BLOOOM Award by WARSTEINER 2016 was selected as one of the 70 best works.
The jury consisted of Catharina Cramer (patron and managing partner of the Warsteiner Group), Yasha Young (director and curator of URBAN NATION), Walter Gehlen (director and artistic director of ART.FAIR and BLOOOM), Joko Winterscheidt (ProSieben Moderator and Grimme Prize winner) and Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg (Director of the Art museum Bonn).

> Mehr Infos zum BOOOM Award by WARSTEINER